Friday, 7 January 2011

The Good Wife's Ultimate Rule!

A good wife knows when to opt for professional end of tenancy cleaning or carpet cleaning and when to take the DIY route. What? You though that a good wife can do everything on her own? Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, dear ladies, but the truth is that no matter how good a wife you are and how dedicated you are to hubby and all his needs, at one point or another you would still come face to face with a situation, or a dirty spot, or a cleaning task too big or complicated for you to deal with on your own! So, no matter everything I've said so far, and all the notes you've made, remember that as the good wife's ultimate rule; the rule unspoken; the rule of all rules.

If circumstances demand it, then you could call for professional help and still call yourself a good wife!

So, dear ladies, what are the things to consider, when thinking the time has come to leave the DIY route aside and call in the professionals? Well, the most important ones are the cost, your own abilities, and the conditions of your lease or tenancy, if these apply. First things first... If you can afford it and you don't think you could DIY it, then take the safe bet and call someone. For hubby!

For tenancy cleaning, there are literally dozens of companies working all over London providing fully guaranteed professional tenancy cleaning services. These companies are your best bet for getting your bond back if you are a tenant, or for getting your property back into a fit state for living or rental if you are a landlord or homeowner. And if you're a good wife? Then they'll make sure that hubby gets the best possible home environment, when he comes back from work, all tired and weary.

If you are bound by your lease to have a property professionally cleaned before vacating it, it is worth mentioning this to potential end of tenancy cleaning London companies. Some will make price concessions for cleanly tenants forced to seek professional cleaning because of a legal clause rather than out of genuine need. Your best bet here is to spend it if you've got it or take a good look around to find the best deal if you don't. Always remember ladies: every penny you spent comes out of hubby's pocket!

Looking at carpet cleaning prices from a DIY perspective is somewhat trickier. It is not something you can do yourself, per se, though there are plenty of department store stain removal kits to be tried. Likewise, there are many late night shopping channel specials on similar cure-all stain removers (though unfortunately such don't really exist!), but this doesn't mean they are a good idea. If you are considering replacing old, soiled or damaged carpets and would rather not do, professional help is a great option regardless of carpet cleaning prices. It can add years onto the life of your current carpets or flooring at a fraction of the cost and without so much hassle. And that's the best option for hubby's bank account, right?

Bottom line is, if you're one of those wives, who think that a stain is a good excuse for replacing a carpet, instead of cleaning it, then I can only tell you, that you are nowhere near to being a good wife! You're a bad, bad wife, and I feel sorry for your poor hard-working hubby! So, either try to see your error and don't make it again, or spend every day hoping that hubby won't realise he could so much better! For if he ever did...

...then you would be no wife at all anymore, wouldn't you?

Thursday, 6 January 2011

A Good Wife's Way of Looking After a Pet!

A good wife knows that having a pet is more of a burden, then a pleasurable experience, as those furry little things leave dirt and fur all over the house, and make a mess that only a super wife could keep up with! Not to mention how they like to lie around on the furniture, or would sometimes wake hubby up in the middle of the night, so that he can't even get some well deserved rest! Positively shocking, I tell you! And that, dear ladies, is in the case when your pet is not some weird or exotic creature, like an iguana, or a tarantula, a boa, a kimono dragon... These poor creatures are not only hideous to behold and frightening to your lady friends, but also may make you hesitate, before cleaning after them! Luckily, as a good wife, I've made sure that I know how to deal with their mess, which involved a number of lengthy discussions with one-off cleaners and professional end of tenancy cleaning London professionals, who were kind enough to provide me with a few useful tips. So, you know the drill, ladies! Pens and paper out!

Tip on cleaning after exotic pets the 1st: Its Health! Yes, you read that right, dear ladies! Poorly cleaned lizard and snake enclosures breed harmful bacteria that, left alone, can end up killing your pet, or affecting you and your family. Which means that your hubby might be in danger! So clean those lizards, ladies! Scrub them hard! For hubby!

Tip on cleaning after exotic pets the 2nd! Plan on cleaning your pet enclosure every one to two weeks, and have a back-up enclosure to put your pet in while you are doing this, especially if you happen to own a python. Any foul smell coming from the cage is a good indicator that it is time for a cleaning, even if it is before the scheduled cleaning time. Those bacteria are not playing games, ladies! Once you leave them off your radar, and they'll multiple... eventually affecting hubby! If you're a good wife, you will do everything in your earthly power to prevent that from happening!

Tip on cleaning after your exotic pet the 3rd! This, dear ladies, is the reptilian version of an end of tenancy cleaning! This may be a climbing gym, water bowl or a reclining chair, if you have a very lazy lizard. Clean the furniture with disinfecting spray or hot soapy water to remove any bacteria or filth left behind. If you use sand, gravel or wood shavings as litter for your pet, these should be sifted through any feces or other waste removed. Use rubber gloves or a pet shovel to keep from spreading around the mess that is already there. The worst thing that could happen would be for hubby to come home from work and find a mess, simply because you're incapable to clean after a single pet! Bad wife! Bad!

Tip on cleaning after your exotic pet the 4th! Usually a one-off cleaning once a month is fine depending on the size of your pet in relation to its enclosure. Once you've done this, scrub out the cage itself, again with disinfectant spray or hot soapy water to keep harmful bacteria to a minimum. Once you have finished wiping out the tank, be sure to rinse it so no soap, cleaning chemicals or disinfectant is left behind. Otherwise these could harm your pet when you put it back inside.

Bottom line, dear ladies, is that bacteria spread from everything and can easily affect your hubby's health, if they're not taken care of on time! So, stop lying around and dozing off on the couch, and get to work!

Both your salamander and your hubby need you!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

The Good Wife's File on Dangerous Carpet Killers!

A good wife knows that keeping your carpets clean is not only important for one's appearance in Society's eyes, but also is crucial when it comes to preserving your family's health. And, more importantly, your dear overworked hubby's health! So, dear ladies, take out some pen and paper, sit down and carefully write down everything that I'm going to say next, as it may prove to be invaluable where your hubby's good health is concerned! Here are 4 dangerous carpet killers and the best ways to take care of them!

Carpet killer the 1st: Water. Water damage, dear ladies, is the #1 potential threat to your carpet. Water damage can be caused by flooding, leaky pipes or appliances, or other sources. What you have to do here is to first determine whether the water source was sanitary or not. Rain or water from a pipe leak are considered sanitary, whereas a wet carpet may be caused by a toilet overflow, and though unsanitary, may still be salvageable. A carpet that has been flooded by raw sewage or groundwater should not be salvaged. Anything more than a minor spill should be dealt with by a professional, but for small flooding occurrences use clean white towels and fans to dry the area. If you don't believe yourself capable to do so, you should call carpet cleaning services immediately! Repeat after me: I do this for hubby!

Carpet killer the 2nd: Dirt. Ah, how I hate even the sound of this word! Dirt! It is the number 1 enemy of your carpetUse entry mats or rugs wherever possible - a large percentage of dirt can be absorbed before the room is entered. Dirt can actually damage the fibers through abrasion. It's also a good idea to move furniture periodically, avoiding repeated foot traffic in the same areas. Regular vacuuming is important and it's worth investing in a good vacuum cleaner with rotating brushes. Periodic professional cleaning is also strongly recommended. and household alike and you should be willing to take drastic measures in order to deal with it! For hubby!

Carpet killer the 3rd: Stains. If you consider yourself a good wife, but have let your carpet get stained, then you should reconsider the way you view yourself! You're a bad wife! Put more effort in your housework and remember: effective stain removal is a science! The important thing to keep in mind is to catch the stain before it has time to set. If it's a wet stain, blot it with white clean cloth or paper towels first and try to absorb as much as you can. If it's more dry or solid you can use the edge of a spoon, but before you treat the stain it's wise to check a stain treatment chart, or better yet, if it looks like it has the potential to leave a permanent stain, call a professional. Better to pay for carpet cleaning than to buy new carpet!

Carpet killer the 4th: Mold or mildew. If there is any indication that there is mold or mildew an any of your carpets, it's crucial for your health and, which is more important, for hubby's that it be dealt with. Mold and mildew can cause mild to severe health problems and unless it's a small are which can be treated with vinegar or ammonia, for instance, it's strongly advised to call a carpet cleaning service.

So, dear ladies, make sure that you memorize those killers and always stay on the look for them. If you consider yourself above matters of such high importance, then admit up aloud that you're not a good wife and do the 2nd best thing to staying alert: call a house cleaning company twice a week!

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

A Good Wife's Way of Finding an Ideal Maid!

A good wife is able to keep her household clean and her hubby happy, even at the expense of her own free time and leisure activities! Still, not all wives are "good", just like not all hubbies know how to appreciate our constant efforts to keep them satisfied! So, if you are one of those wives, who feels it too much a burden to look after her home on her own and finds it hard to keep up with all the domestic duties, then maybe it is time for you to take some drastic measures and look for a maid! Yes, her pay-check will have to come out of hubby's pocket, which may prove a toll for him, as he's the one who provides for your family, but... Keeping the house clean and everything at place is the first and foremost thing you need to consider, when making decision! After all, you're already one step away of becoming a bad wife, aren't you? So, here are 5 important tips to keep in mind, when searching for a maid!

Important tip the 1st: References. When choosing particular services, make sure that they've got references! Don't just take them at their word, but check those references for yourself, verify them! You need to be able to fully trust anyone who will spend that much time in your home. Ask how long they have used the service and whether or not any problems occurred while the maid was employed.

Important tip the 2nd: Health and Safety. You care about your hubby's health, don't you, dear ladies? (If you don't, please don't tell me!) So, in the name of hubby's good health and longevity, try to find a "green" maid services! Many modern cleaning services are adopting eco-friendly practices and avoiding the use of toxic cleaning agents in their client's homes. It may not sound very important to you, but trust me when I tell you, that in the years to come it will make a difference!

Important tip the 3rd: Insured and Bonded. Make absolutely sure that the service is bonded and insured. This will ensure that any damages caused by the maid are the company's responsibility. Liability insurance is also vital - if there is an accident it's possible that your homeowner's insurance won't cover it. And then it will have to come out of hubby's pocket!

Important tip the 4th: Guarantees. Read, dear ladies, don't just sign whatever piece of paper is put in front of you! It is important to make sure that all the cleaning supplies are provided by the maid services and not by you... and thus your hubby!

Important tip the 5th: Training. There's nothing shameful about asking if the company's maids are trained... Or if they're just a bunch of randomly selected housewives, looking to cash in into the family budget! You're looking for professionalism, even if you still haven't realised it!

So write down those guidelines, dear ladies, and follow them, so that you could find the best possible maid, who will perfectly satisfy you!  Take time in making your choice and shop around before you decide. There are likely to be cleaning services in your neighborhood and you are sure to find the right one with the numerous choices in cleaning services London has to offer.