Thursday, 23 December 2010

A Good Wife's Guide to Dealing with Neglected Housework!

Even a good wife has her bad days, when she's not on top of her game and might miss a dirty spot here or there, or forget that hubby doesn't like his soup too hot and serve it steaming. It's pretty annoying, bot easily forgiveable, if such behaviour stays the exception, not the rule! So, dear ladies, make sure that your "bad days" are down to a minimum and your "good days" are really, really good. A good wife knows that her hubby deserves the best 24/7 and it's our obligation to give it to him, no matter the cost! So, if there are any little jobs you've neglected doing around the house, for one reason or another, it's time to roll up your sleeves and take care of them! They've probably progressed into big jobs already anyway and pretty soon hubby will notice them... and you're lack of desire to deal with them! What will he think then?

Here's a list of such "small gone big" jobs and some useful tips on how to deal with them!

Neglected job the 1st: End of tenancy cleaning. For end of tenancy cleaning London landlords have some pretty strict and potentially expensive regulations. If you plan on vacating your current property, because hubby's found you a bigger and better house, you'll probably have a serious list of off cleaning jobs on your hands! So, make sure you consult your landlord on what he expects to find, when you vacate the house, then do as much work yourself as you could, before hiring some professionals to finish the job! Remember that it's your hard-working hubby's money you're spending!

Neglected job the 2nd: Waste removal. From cleaning your gutters and storm drains to getting rid of household rubbish in large quantities, waste removal can be a big one off cleaning job. It is also one of the few jobs that you, ladies, probably can't do on your own, and involving hubby is strictly unacceptable! A good wife never, ever bothers her hubby, when he comes home from work! It's a rule! So, best thing to do is to take advantage of one of the many companies for junk removal London has to offer! Play your cars right and hubby will never know how neglected those gutters were... And how lazy you could be sometimes!

Neglected job the 3rd: Bathrooms and kitchens. Stainless steel and porcelain or ceramic surfaces are among the hardest to clean, so luckily they don't need doing every day. If you plan on tackling your kitchen or bathroom as part of your one off cleaning efforts, try baby oil or denture cream and scrub as hard as possible! You can make it shine, if you really put your efforts into it!

Neglected job the 4th: The washing-up.  In my book, this doesn't quite qualify as a one off cleaning job, but, depending on how long you've left it for, it may certainly be a big cleaning job. The key here is motivation, don't procrastinate, don't watch telly while you do it, just get in there and get rid of the dishes. If you are really fearful, bin the dirty dishes, head to IKEA and start over again; just know that if you don't do them, no one else will. Especially not your hubby, after hours of working to pay for your little "pleasures" in life!

Neglected job the 5th: The oven. This one, dear ladies, always gets put off, after a soufflé explodes, because you've forgot it doing your nails (which no good wife would ever do, when there's unfinished housework!). So, the dirt gets piled up, until your oven is positively filthy and you should be embarrassed to even let your hubby go anywhere near it! You don't want to clean up after your own mess? Then get a professional to do it! Just don't prepare food in an oven, which looks as a battle field taken out of one of those Vietnamese movies! Positively shocking!

Bottom line is, ladies, no matter how many "bad days" you have, you always need to remember one thing: small cleaning jobs never vanish into thin air, so the longer you neglect doing them, the bigger they will become! And a good wife would never leave today's work for tomorrow, so... What are you waiting for? Grab that broomstick and go do some housework!

1 comment:

  1. Stainless steel and porcelain surfaces are among the toughest to clean, so the good news is that they don't want doing every day. If you plan on dealing with your kitchen or bathroom as part of your one off cleaning attempts, try baby oil or denture cream and clean as hard as possible! You can make it glow, if you genuinely put your attempts into it!

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