Hosting a good party, that would impress and inspire people to admire her husband and household, is one of a good wife's main duties. It should be planned in such a way that it could be both fun and rewarding, to both the hosts and the attendants. Naturally, the art of throwing an ideal social gathering does not come instinctively to all women, so here are a few basic rules to follow, in order for your party to be a success. So, take your pens and notebooks out, ladies... And follow my lead!
The first and foremost thing, when hosting a small, private soiree or a public gala, is to plan thoroughly and to make most of your resources and imagination. So, write down the 5 guidelines I will give you now... And follow them step by step!
1) Location. Is the party going to be in your home or somewhere else? Make a guest-list, ladies, count the number of guests and then think carefully, whether the venue you pick could hold them all, or are you going to be faced with the embarrassing situation of having to "stuck people together" like sheep. That does not make a good impression! A lasting one, sure, but definitely not good! Also, make sure you consider your new carpet and all those objects d'art that can be knocked or broken, so that you don't have lots of damages to explain to your hubby! Lastly, always, and I mean it - always! - inspect a private venue, before you throw your party there! You found a rental apartment in the newspaper and want to use it? Then go check it out! There may be things that need fixing, you may need to call a window cleaning London company, or else! Remember that your guests will judge not only your clothes and jewellery, but also you skills as a hostess!
2) Theme. Take it from someone who's been a "social flirt" her whole life, you can never go wrong with a theme party! Mexican food and margaritas, masks in the vein of the Carnival of Venice... All of those will be a hit, if you make sure the atmosphere is authentic and the guests: well fed and steadily supplied with drinks!
3) Budget. Make sure your grandiose plans fit your pocketbook. Remember that it is not you who earns that money with sweat on their forehead, but your hubby, and it would be disrespectful if you ruin his budget, because you didn't count the costs of the margaritas right! Your party can be a hit even without expensive champagne and huge bowls of caviar! Though, if you could afford it, go for it!
4) Food and Drink. Once again, the budget will decide what's on your menu! In certain settings, wine and French cheese might be enough to satisfy your guests, so that no other alcohol needs to be present. Other times, not having anything to drink, but wine, would look cheap and... petty. Also, make sure that you have enough food to serve on the table, so that the guests can feel certain that if they decide, they can refill their plates, instead of making plans to order pizza, when they get back home. O, and try not to run back and forth, between the dining room and the kitchen, while you're supposed to wittily entertain... It is not polite!
5) Clean up. Even if your party is as successful as you've envisioned it, there would still be the occasional mess to clean afterwords. So make your plans in such a way, that you may take care of it fast and swift... Hire a home cleaning company, if you're not certain that you'd be able to deal with the after-party clean up on your own! Just don't drag your hubby into this... The man needs to get some rest, OK?
Follow these guidelines, and before you know it, your parties will be the talk of the town. Ignore them and... Well, being on the bottom of the social scale can't be that bad, right?
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